* Last measurable snowfall in the Twin Cities: 1/10th inch of snow on Feb. 23. According to Pete Boulay 2009's last day of measurable snow was April 5. If we don't see any more accumulating snow 2010 would go down in the books as the "earliest end to the accumulating snow season for the Twin Cities since 1878." There's a nugget.
One of these days it's going to rain. If we keep predicting puddles at some point Mother Nature will probably throw in towel and cue the rain drops, thunderclaps, the hypnotic whoosh of windshield wipers. Some day (hopefully soon) you'll have a chance to wrestle with your umbrella, wiggle into a rain coat, you know, actually do battle with the elements?
We're going on 3 weeks without significant rain, I'm getting increasingly nervous about the potential for drought - if the heavens don't open up soon farmers will be facing dry fields for spring planting - we need to amp up the soil moisture, and within the next 2 weeks or so to avoid delays in the fields. Too early to worry (a lot), maybe it's just paranoia on my part, the memories of severe drought across most of Minnesota still fresh in my mind. Hopefully the weather-pendulum will swing back in the other direction and we'll actually be able to track green (or yellow/orange!) blobs on Doppler radar. We're due.

The latest NAM weather model, probably the most reliable/accurate weather simulation we use to get a jump on what SHOULD happen over the next 84 hours. Lately all the models have been unusually unreliable. Not making excuses - but SOMETHING is causing all the models to overestimate rainfall amounts in recent weeks. Perhaps El Nino, which has energized the southern branch of the jet stream, turbo-charging storms from Dixie to New England, has diverted moisture from the Gulf of Mexico, in essence "soaking up" water which should have streamed all the way north to Minnesota, fueling storms in the northern branch of the storm track. It's a stretch, but I can't think of any other plausible explanations for why the storms seem to be pooped, "gently used", by the time they reach the Upper Midwest.
No more alibi's - the truth hurts, and there's a 25% probability it will set me free.

Latest model prints out .43". So we've gone from a 1.2" prediction (from the 6 am run) to .43" in the span of 12 hours. See what I mean? The storms fizzle by the time they reach this latitude. Consistently. Very odd - and this has been happening for weeks. We dry out (rapidly) on Wednesday as winds shift around to the north, sunshine the rule the latter half of the week. 70 is a distinct possibility by Saturday, at least we'll enjoy 60s over the weekend, a very slight chance of an isolated shower, but most of Saturday and Sunday should be dry, temperatures 10-20 degrees above average. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop - a freak snowstorm, one last (horrific) arctic front that will qualify as "breaking news." I don't even see another frost for the southern third of Minnesota!
How are you handling the Information Revolution? Do you feel more connected, or more frustrated, or both? What is the decorum for answering e-mails, btw? Some of my friends and colleagues get irritable if they don't get an e-mail answer within an hour. Text messages and tweets are even more time-sensitive: answers DEMANDED within 2 minutes. Since when? How did this happen? All of us are on call, nearly 24/7. It's the age of instant-gratification. We live in the land of What-Have-You-Done-For-Me-In-The-Last-15 Minutes. All of us are doing more with less, trying to use Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, texts, voice mail and a thousand other ways to communicate to make up for fewer bodies in the office, fewer colleagues to do the things that TEAMS of people did 20 years ago. All of us are suffering from information-overload. It's Digital Triage out there! What has to get done in the next 60 seconds? What gets pushed back and addressed within 30 minutes? 2 hours? The harder I work the more crap accumulates on my desk (and on my PC). Amazing. I hope I'm not the only one fuming about digital overload. All these gadgets were supposed to "set us free," allow us to work from home or the lake (!) Instead we're IM'ing, texting and tweeting our little fingers until they're numb. What's the solution - disconnect from the grid? Maybe. The time will come. For me a "perfect day" is one where I am totally and truly cut off from all-things-digital. On the lake, sun on my face, revving up the ski boat while my boys knee-board, tinkering with my video camera. All "devices" conveniently left on the shore, turned off. Do iPhones float? A worthy experiment.
One of these days...
For now we're blasting forward, I'm excited about the future, VERY pumped about the iPad. The device itself is beside the point - it's an early vision of where the information world seems to be heading. We're all news directors now. And music directors. And wary gatekeepers, just a tap away from releasing our deepest secrets to new, would-be "friends." Crazy. Reminds me of the conversations we have on airplanes, ready and willing to divulge our deepest secrets to a complete and utter stranger sitting next to us on a flight - someone we'll never see again. The power of the iPad: personalized, constantly-updating, GPS-aware information TAILORED FOR EACH OF US. That's a powerful concept. We're already hunting, picking - grazing - for relevant/interesting news on our PC's & Macs, checking in every few hours to see "what's new." Now we're truly untethered, able to carry our (personalized) digital favorites with us. My vision for weather has always been personalized data streams, available anytime, anywhere, on any device - tailored for each user. We have some exciting plans for the iPad and other mobile devices - looking forward to rolling out some new innovations soon. My question to you is: will the need to "hear the weather story" go away? Will people still want perspective, commentary, some attempt at explaining "what it means", not just WHAT and WHEN. What about the HOW and WHY? That's the trillion dollar question - will our grandkids still expect a 3 minute weather story, a meteorologist in front of a green-screen, telling you what happened, what's happening, and what SHOULD happen (and why?) Wish I had the answers - the questions are coming fast & furious.
Appreciate you reading this - sorry for the tangent/rant - but these are some of the disconnected thoughts swimming through my muddled brain.

Paul's Conservation MN Outlook for the Twin Cities and all of Minnesota
Today: Periods of rain, windy & damp - slower commutes. Winds: NE 15-25. High: 54
Tonight: Rain tapers. Low: 42
Wednesday: Cool, damp, gray start, then sunshine by afternoon - breezy. High: 57
Thursday: Plenty of sun, springy again. High: near 60
Friday: Lot's of sun - very pleasant. High: 63
Saturday: Sun fades behind increasing clouds, still unseasonably mild. High: 65 (70 possible nearby?)
Sunday: Cooler with a mix of clouds and sun, isolated shower? High: 58
Monday: Cloudy with a much better chance of rain. High: 57
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