* Monday's NWS post deal with severe thunderstorms, hail and some great lightning factoids (and myths). Click here to read more, you'll be the life of the next party (if you happen to be partying with Al Roker).

* Tornadoes in the metro area? 5 tornadoes in the metro area just in 2009, a total of 8 in Hennepin county since 2000. Last year small tornadoes touched down on the Lake Minnetonka area and in South Minneapolis, proof positive that tornadoes CAN hit the immediate metro area. No watches/warnings were in effect at the time, a blunt reminder that you have to (always) be on guard - situation awareness is key. If skies turn threatening, clouds lower and begin to rotate (or large hail begins to fall - evidence of an especially severe storm) you need to head to safety, even if the sirens are not sounding, even if an official warning hasn't been issued for your county. One of our (amazing) WeatherNation meteorologists, Kristin Clark, was installing a weather instrument at her home in South Minneapolis. She could literally SEE the pressure falling before her eyes (!) - she turned around, only to see a wall cloud dropping a tornado over South Minneapolis. She grabbed her iPhone and started videotaping the tornado. I'll never forget the call to the weather center at WN. "There's a tornado over South Minneapolis Paul! I'm watching it right now!" Have you been drinking Kristin? "NO, it's really happening." I turned on the Doppler and sure enough there was a tiny, almost insignificant "couplet" on the radar screen, evidence of a small, compact area of rotation over S. Minneapolis. Here is the video she captured, courtesy of Conservation Minnesota.
BTW, I went to college with Kristin's dad, Tom Clark, who has been doing TV weather for 30 years at WNEP in northeastern PA, where I worked from 1979-1982. He's married to an amazing woman, Noreen, who is also a TV "met". It's only natural that they would have a daughter who has meteorology running through her veins. BTW, Tom is a dear friend, was best man at my wedding....he could tell you stories...I'll stop now.

Another day in Meteorological Paradise, the new Palm Springs of the Great North, the state (of weather bliss) formerly known as Minnesota. A generation ago the mere mention of the word would leave Americans in other, lesser, partly-boring cities around the nation trembling. Land of 10,000 Weather Extremes, chin-deep drifts, they test batteries up there don't they? So cold it could almost freeze the purple out of Prince.
No more. With a few notable exceptions our winters have pretty much been neutered, especially since 1998 or so. Sure it snows, it gets cold, but not the hair-freezing, headline-generating arctic fronts that turned us into a punchline on Letterman and the Tonight Show 20 years ago. Welcome to the earliest spring on record, pioneer records date back to the 1830s. I look at the statistics (no snow since Feb. 23, no frost since March 26, April temperatures soaring 10.4 F above average). And it just goes on and on and on, like the Energizer Bunny after a triple grande no-whip quad-shot cappuccino. Minnesota meteorologists are dazed and amazed, grappling for things to talk about, no storms, nothing even close to severe weather - thank God we have that annoying volcano in Iceland to babble about, or there would be an awful lot of dead air on the TV tube.
And just when you think it can't get better - it does. 71 yesterday, a postcard-perfect sky, virtually no wind. Yes, allergy-sufferers are not amused, and the air quality stinks (quite literally). Winds have been so light near the ground, an inversion aloft trapping pollutants, we had a touch of smog in the air yesterday, but I didn't hear too many people complaining. It is the PERFECT SPRING of '10, something we'll be telling our grandkids about...."do you remember the year we had 6 MONTHS of boating in Minnesota?" Remarkable.

Paul's Conservation MN Outlook for the Twin Cities and all of Minnesota
Today: Plenty of sun, breezy, a bit cooler. Winds: NE 10-15. High: 66
Wednesday night: Clear and cool. Low: 43 (upper 30s in the outlying suburbs).
Thursday: Partly cloudy, still mild. High: 68
Friday: Fading sun, showers/T-storms may arrive by Friday night. High: 65
Saturday: Showery rains, thunder possible - damp breeze (few hours of rain). High: 61
Sunday: Showers taper, some PM sun possible. High: 62
Monday: Lingering clouds, slight chance of showers far southern/western MN. High: 61
Tuesday: More sun, drier statewide. High: 64
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