77 F. high in the Twin Cities Wednesday.
75 F. average high on September 7.
82 F. high on September 7, 2015.
September 8, 1968: 1 3/4 inch hail falls in Goodhue County.
September 8, 1931: A record high is set in St. Cloud with a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hold the Presses: A Welcome Ration of Sunshine!
"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine" quipped Anthony J. D'Angelo. Easier said than done this year, when rain is the default weather setting. There's little doubt day to day weather powers our moods, even our ability to get things done.
You would be well advised not to ask for a raise or serious favors on a drippy, somber weather-day.
Since June 1, the start of Meteorological Summer, Minnesota rainfall has been 5 to 15 inches above average. A perpetually drippy sky has set back construction crews and road crews. Will we dry out in time for autumn harvest? A parade of progressively cooler fronts pushing out of Canada SHOULD mean a drying trend into mid and late September; reaching for sweatshirts, not umbrellas.
Blue sky (temporarily) restores your faith in a Minnesota September today; a few spotty showers Friday give way to cooler exhaust from Manitoba by Saturday. Daytime highs hold in the 50s and 60s by next Tuesday and Wednesday.
The atmosphere is shifting gears. The winter outlook is uncertain but so what? Let's try to enjoy the here and now.
Hype, Bust or Effective? Messaging Hermine In A Post-Hurricane Sandy Era. Dr. Marshall Shepherd has an interesting post mortem on Hermine at Fortune: "...Did we learn anything from Sandy for Hermine? Gary Szatkowski told me in a message,
Overall, I thought the Hermine messaging was good for a very difficult situation, The track forecast was a technical challenge and the timing of the storm affecting the holiday weekend was a social science challenge. I think the track forecast was as good as the state of the science allows.In social and traditional media there was the urge to compare the storm to Sandy. And in many ways there were some similarities. However these storms were also very different. Though certainly a threat Hermine was no Sandy..." (Image credit: Aeris Maps Platform).
Storm Models No Match for Uncertain Hurricane Hermine. Following up on a very fickle (hybrid) storm and dueling, flop-flopping weather models, here's more perspective from Post and Courier: "...The
models have improved a lot during the past 10 years, though not so much
the past five years, Masters said. New equipment keeps coming on line
to make them more accurate, including two satellites next year, one
using Lidar, or laser radar, from space. Together, they are expected to
improve not only fixing locations for a storm at sea, but also its
winds. “Better data, better forecast,” he said. When Marks started with
NOAA, the models weren’t reliable at all more than three days out; now
it’s five to 10 days out, he said..."
Photo credit: "Water levels rose at the corner of Killians and Fishburne street in Charleston during Tropical Storm Hermine last Friday." Michael Pronzato/ Staff
Photo credit: Video Screenshot/Reed Timmer.
Map credit: Climate Reanalyzer.
Hottest Summer? Snowiest Winter? Yes, Data Show Weather Is Getting More Extreme. Where have you heard that before. Here's an excerpt from The Boston Globe: "...According to the U.S. Climate Extremes Index, which considers both the frequency of extreme weather and how much land area is affected by such conditions nationwide, 2015 ranked as the second-most extreme year on record, trailing only 2012. Records date to 1910. The first half of 2016 ranked as the seventh most-extreme when compared with the same period in other years. The index is based on data on several key indicators: maximum and minimum temperatures that are much above or much below normal; how much of the country has either a severe drought or moisture surplus; single-day events with unusually high precipitation; and abnormalities in the number of days with, and without, precipitation..."
Graphic: NOAA NCDC.
The Oceans Are Heating Up. That's a Big Problem on a Blue Planet. Here's an excerpt of an Op-Ed from Bill McKibbon at The Guardian: "...The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has published an extensive study concluding that the runaway heating of the oceans is “the greatest hidden challenge of our generation”. When we think about global warming, we usually fixate on the air temperature. Which is spiking sharply – July was the hottest month ever measured on our planet. But as the new study points out, 90% of the extra heat that our greenhouse gases trap is actually absorbed by the oceans. That means that the upper few meters of the sea have been steadily warming more than a tenth of a degree celsius per decade, a figure that’s accelerating. When you think of the volume of water that represents, and then try to imagine the energy necessary to raise its temperature, you get an idea of the blowtorch that our civilization has become..." (File image: NASA).
Photo credit: "The effect of drought-induced dieback of ponderosa pines in California's Tehachapi Mountains."
Thunderstorms, Hail and Flooding Drive Weather Losses for First Half of 2016. Here's a clip from Yahoo Finance that got my attention: "...Texas
absolutely drove the catastrophe losses in the United States during the
first six months of 2016,” said Bove. “Of the $17 billion in economic
losses and $11 billion in insured losses, approximately 80% of both the
over and insured losses occurred within Texas, of which roughly $7
billion of the insured losses were due to severe thunderstorm events.”
Bove also highlighted the floods in West Virginia, which he said the
National Weather Service and NOAH consider to be a 1-in-1,000-year
event. However, Bove said he believes that the one catastrophe that is
increasing losses is hail..."
Before You Get Too Excited About the Farmer's Almanac Winter Outlook.
The forecast for last winter was "cold and snowy". No, it didn't quite
work out that way, just like overall accuracy is (meh) most winters. Fun
to read, just like a horoscope, but don't put too much stock in a
specific forecast for a specific period.
Alaska, it turns out, has never been mapped to modern standards. While the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is constantly refining its work in the lower 48 states, the terrain data in Alaska is more than 50 years old, much of it hand-sketched from black-and-white stereo photos shot from World War II reconnaissance craft and U-2 spy planes.Map credit: "Mount Aniakchak is a volcanic caldera located in the Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve in the Aleutian Range of Alaska. Aniakchak is one of the wildest and least visited places in the National Park System. The area was proclaimed a National Monument on Dec. 1, 1978." (Paul Morin, PGC)
Errors abound. Locals tell of mountains as much as a mile out of place. Streams flow uphill, and ridges are missing because a cloud happened by when the photo was taken.
Costa Rica Hasn't Burned Any Fossil Fuels for Electricity in Two Months. Mashable has the story.
Photo credit: Martin Meissner, STR.
Graphic credit: "Coal production in the U.S. has fallen as cheap natural gas and environmental regulations have taken their toll." U.S. Energy Information Administration.
In The Land of Robots Androids Are On The March. Japan is definitely ahead of the USA when it comes to creepy robots; here's an excerpt from The New York Times: "...Meet
Chihira Junco, a tourist greeter at a shopping mall in Tokyo. In her
crisp blue button-down shirt, white blazer and pinstripe skirt, she
stands in sensible pumps behind a counter in Aqua City Odaiba on Tokyo
Bay, dispensing directions to local sites and shops in Japanese, Chinese
and English. She is not, however, human. Ms. Junco — if you can use an
honorific for a machine — joins an incipient group of androids springing
up around Japan. There are also Yumeko, a receptionist at the Hen-na Hotel, a robot-operated boutique in Nagasaki, and Matsukoloid, who appears in a popular television variety show with her human doppelgänger, Matsuko Deluxe..."
* A positively creepy YouTube video of Chihira Junco is here.
Atlas Obscura's Guide To The Longest Running Scientific Experiments. Remember this when you consider moving into one of those tiny houses highlighted on HGTV. Here's an excerpt from Atlas Obscura: "...For
two years a team of scientists voluntarily confined themselves to the
Biosphere Two domes, which were designed to simulate various
environmental climates that could be recreated on Mars. This experiment
was the longest of any of these confined biosphere types of experiments.
Though the oxygen levels in the domes dropped, the experiment was
deemed a failure not because of ecological factors, but rather
those rooted in human psychology. Even omitting Pauly Shore,
at experiment’s end the biospherians became depressed, supremely
annoyed with each other, and teetered on the edge of sanity. These
psychological factors turn out to be a regular problem in these types of
Photo credit: a rancid amoeba/CC BY-SA 2.0
United's CEO Said What? Please tell me he didn't actually say this. I came across this little nugget at Marketplace yesterday, a quote attributed to United CEO Oscar Munoz: "...I
think the hardest thing that historically the industry may have relied
upon is that we can't control weather, we can't control air traffic
control, and use that at the end of the day as an excuse. Things do
happen, we know they happen — we don't exactly know when they are going
to happen — but we should definitely be prepped. A very quick example:
Farmers' Almanac is calling for a very nasty winter, particularly in
Chicago — one of our main hubs. So as we speak, our operating team is
hard at work as to how are we going to accommodate passengers..."
Marijuana "Tornado" Rips Through an Oregon Farm. It was a dust devil, but no matter. Even worse than a Sharknado? What I really want to know: how high was this particular weed-nado? Here's an excerpt at SFgate.com: "...Marijuana
has been called ‘devil weed’ and ‘the devil’s lettuce’ by critics and
humorists, but never ‘dust devil weed’ — until now. Oregon pot farmer
Michael Johnson of Siskiyou Sungrown
got quite the surprise when he reviewed security camera footage of his
twin recreational and medical gardens Thursday. In the footage, a small
ground air phenomenon known as a dust devil rips through the medical
garden, creating a whirlwind of precious, pricey buds, and ripping a 36
square-foot medical pot plant out of the ground and throwing it fifty
feet south over an eight-foot fence..."
TODAY: Lukewarm sunshine! Winds: W 8-13. High: 76
THURSDAY NIGHT: Clouds increase, late shower? Low: 60
FRIDAY: Some sun, passing shower or T-shower. Winds: W 10-15. High: 78
SATURDAY: More clouds than sun, brisk. Winds: NW 10-15. Wake-up: 55. High: 71 (60s greater MN)
SUNDAY: More sunshine, warming up. Winds: S 10-20. Wake-up: 54. High: 79
MONDAY: Still mild, isolated PM T-shower? Winds: NW 8-13. Wake-up: 61. High: 78
TUESDAY: Mostly cloudy, cool wind. Winds: NW 10-15. Wake-up: 58. High: 66
WEDNESDAY: Slow clearing, feels like fall. Winds: NW 7-12. Wake-up: 51. High: 65
FRIDAY: Some sun, passing shower or T-shower. Winds: W 10-15. High: 78
SATURDAY: More clouds than sun, brisk. Winds: NW 10-15. Wake-up: 55. High: 71 (60s greater MN)
SUNDAY: More sunshine, warming up. Winds: S 10-20. Wake-up: 54. High: 79
MONDAY: Still mild, isolated PM T-shower? Winds: NW 8-13. Wake-up: 61. High: 78
TUESDAY: Mostly cloudy, cool wind. Winds: NW 10-15. Wake-up: 58. High: 66
WEDNESDAY: Slow clearing, feels like fall. Winds: NW 7-12. Wake-up: 51. High: 65
Climate Stories....
Photo credit: "Residents in Baton Rouge, La., cleaning out flood damaged homes in August." Credit Max Becherer for The New York Times.
Photo credit: SPL. "Sea-ice is in decline but scientists expect quite a bit of variability year on year."
* The paper referenced in the BBC article above is available here.
Climate Change Spells Worse Typhoons for China, Japan: Study. Here's an excerpt at Yahoo News: "...Over
the past 37 years, typhoons that strike east and southeast Asia have
intensified by 12-15 percent," they wrote in the journal Nature
Geoscience. And the data showed this intensification, in turn, was
linked to ocean surface warming -- possibly caused by climate change,
though this is yet to be proven. Projections for ocean warming if humans
continue to emit planet-harming greenhouse gases, said the team,
"suggest that typhoons striking eastern mainland China, Taiwan, Korea
and Japan will intensify further..."
Photo credit: "The
world's nations concluded a pact in Paris to halt the march of climate
change, which threatens stronger storms, longer droughts and
land-gobbling sea-level rise." (AFP Photo/Tokachi Mainichi).
Photo credit: "At the City Market in Charleston, S.C., one of the most popular spots in town, shoppers dodged seawater that bubbled up from storm drains during high tide in June." Credit Hunter McRae for The New York Times.
Sea Level Rise Puts Mid-Atlantic in Greater Damage When Storms Like Hermine Strike. Andrew Freedman provides more perspective at Mashable.
Photo credit: "Water from Roanoke Sound pounds the Virginia Dare Trail in Manteo, N.C., Saturday, September 3, 2016 as Tropical Storm Hermine passes the Outer Banks." Image: Tom Copeland/AP.
Image credit: U.S. Army/Public Domain.
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