64 F. high on September 21, 2013.
September 21, 1996: A brief cold air funnel touchdown resulted in roof damage in Washington County.
September 21, 1936: Summer-like heat continues with 101 at Ada, Beardsley and Moorhead.
The Problem with Bubbles
It's probably human nature to fall into a nice, predictable rut. We find what works and stick to it: news bubbles that echo what we want to hear, comfortable friendships, work habits that get the job done. We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us.
Maybe it's a late-blooming midlife crisis, but I'm trying to shake things up a little. Take a different route to work, sample foods that scare me, read articles that challenge me, call an old friend that rubbed me the wrong way 10 years ago.
I don't pretend to have the answer key, but I suspect doing the same old thing, expecting a different result, truly is the definition of insanity.
We live in our weather bubbles too, fixating on the sky within a 10 mile radius. With smartphone apps we're at the center of the universe. One size fits all weather is suddenly very 1985.
Finally, a shift in the pattern: a cold trough of low pressure brings rain to California, pushing a bloated ridge of warm high pressure into the Plains. That means a warm bias for Minnesota into early October.
This week looks memorable with a run of 70s. With the exception of a lonely shower Wednesday mellow weather prevails the next 8 days. My kind of bubble.
* image credit above: gulfnews.com.
Ridge Migrates East.
The stubborn heat-pump high pressure bubble that has remained
perpetually stalled for much of 2014 is finally showing signs of pushing
east into the Great Plains, keeping our temperatures above average into
much of next week, through at least the first week of October. After
that all bets are off - although I still detect a mild bias into much of
October. 500 mb forecast winds aloft courtesy of NOAA.
Steering Winds September 27 - October 1.
Prevailing winds aloft blow from the southwest from later this week
into at least the middle of next week as a long-wave trough sets up from
the Gulf of Alaska southward to California, meaning a better chance of
rain and cool weather for the western USA, with mild, relatively dry
weather expanding into the central USA. Map: NOAA.
Out of Date. NOAA's hurricane-planning software uses 2000 census data. The Post and Courier asks if that's good enough; here's an excerpt: "A
Federal Emergency Management Agency computer model that's used
nationwide for disaster planning is supposed to estimate how many homes
would be destroyed and how many people would need shelter if a major
hurricane or earthquake were to strike. But there's a problem. The
software, called Hazus, can't truly calculate the disaster impact on
people and property because it doesn't know how many homes and residents
areas have today. The FEMA program is still loaded with 14-year-old
data from the 2000 census..."
Image credit: File/Wade Spees/Staff.
Photo credit: "Kind-of a big deal in Alabama." Reuters/ RVR Photos-USA TODAY Sports.
TODAY: Mild sun, close to perfect. Winds: West 8. High: 71
MONDAY NIGHT: Clear and comfortably cool. Low: 50
TUESDAY: Fading sun, still pleasant. Dew point: 50. High: 73
WEDNESDAY: More clouds, stray shower. Wake-up: 57. High: 72
THURSDAY: Lukewarm sun. Distractingly nice. Wake-up: 58. High: 76
FRIDAY: Take a comp day. Hazy blue sky. Wake-up: 59. High: 78
SATURDAY: Sunny, leaves starting to peak up north. Wake-up: 58. High: 79
SUNDAY: Stalled high pressure ridge. Sunny. Wake-up: 57. High: 78
Climate Stories...
Image credit above: "The Enterprise Bridge passes over a section of Lake Oroville in 2011 (left) and 2014 (right) in Oroville, California, which is experiencing "exceptional" drought."
Climate Warning to World Leaders: Stick to 2C Limit or Face "Mayhem". The Guardian has the article; here's a clip: "...Scientists say that humans have now poured around 1,950bn tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – by burning fossil fuels – over the last 200 years. If that total reaches 3,670bn tonnes, they add, it will be hard to avoid a 2C rise in global temperatures and that would trigger a host of devastating changes to the climate. These would include major rises in sea levels, the melting of ice-caps, droughts in Africa, America and Asia, storms and ocean acidification. The trouble is that, at present rates of fossil fuel consumption, that 3,670bn-tonne limit will be reached in less than three decades..." (Image credit: NASA).
Climate Realities.
Robert Stavins at Harvard's Kennedy School does a good job summarizing
what makes climate change action so difficult, yet essential; here's an
excerpt at The New York Times: "...Rather
than rewarding today’s voters with benefits financed by future
generations, as Congress typically does, solving the climate problem
will require costly actions now to protect those who will follow us.
Making matters more difficult, climate change is essentially
unobservable by the public. On a daily basis, we observe the weather,
not the climate. This makes it less likely that public opinion will
force action the way it did 50 years ago when black smoke rose from
industrial smokestacks, and chemicals and raw sewage were dumped
untreated into rivers, famously causing one to catch fire..."
Heirs To An Oil Fortune Join the Divestment Movement. The New York Times
reports on a growing trend among money managers concerned about the
long-term environmental implications of their investments; here's a
clip: "John D. Rockefeller built a vast fortune on oil.
Now his heirs are abandoning fossil fuels. The family whose legendary
wealth flowed from Standard Oil is planning to announce on Monday that
its $860 million philanthropic organization, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, is joining the divestment movement that began a couple years ago on college campuses. The announcement, timed to precede Tuesday’s opening of the United Nations climate change summit meeting in New York City, is part of a broader and accelerating initiative..."
Photo credit above: "Stephen Heintz, left, with Valerie Rockefeller Wayne and Steven Rockefeller on Tuesday." Credit Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times.
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