49 F. high at Granite Falls yesterday.
25 F. average high for December 24 in the metro area.
26 F. high temperature last year, on December 24, 2010.
30% of America will have a white Christmas this year, at least 1" or more of snow on the ground.
45% of the USA experienced a white Christmas last year.
2-4" snow at El Paso, Texas - first white Christmas there in 25 years.
Environment Canada senior climatologist Dave Phillips told AFP “he has never seen so little snowpack in Canada’s cities.” (Think Progress article below).
+10F. Northern Norway is running more than 10 degrees F. warmer than average (from a story on a brown Christmas for much of the USA and Europe below from Think Progress)

A 40-Degree Plus Christmas Eve. Highs ranged from low 40s in the Twin Cities metro area to 48 at Montevideo and 49 at Granite Falls, almost 30 degrees above average.

"Waves of happiness will run higher than normal, with flurries of thanks and floods of good will, especially at the time of highest Yule Tide. Back near the tree, a sharp warning or pine needle advisory will be in effect in the vicinity. There's also a no running with scissors advisory. One more advisory in effect: too many cannolis can have an effect around the beltway." - from AccuWeather meteorologist's Elliot Abram's Christmas Forecast below.
"There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries." - W.J. Cameron

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don't clean it up too quickly." - Andy Rooney

Elliot Abram's "Indoor Forecast" For Christmas. Eliot Abrams is a big reason why I chose to become a meteorologist back in the early 70s. He is one of the principals of AccuWeather, based in State College, PA. He's incredibly creative (and an all-around nice guy too). He's made the weather fun for over 40 years now, and today's Christmas Outlook is no exception: "As we head into the nighttime hours of Christmas Eve, bedtime warnings and hallway watches will be posted for all children, as long as they haven't been storming and thundering around the house. In most areas, a flurry of parcels from various source regions will accumulate under the tree. However, we issue a bright paper ad ribbon snipping advisory."

Upside Down Christmas Weather Map. Here's a photo from Midland (Texas) taken on Christmas Eve. Just when you thought the weather couldn't get any stranger.
2010 2011

"What A Difference A Year Makes!" No kidding Einstein. Check out the difference in snowcover from Christmas last year to this year. In 2010 an inch or more of snow covered 45% of the USA; this year closer to 30% of America will be "white".

The Miracle Of Mapleton. Here's an amazing and heartwarming story from the Sioux City Journal: "MAPLETON, Iowa -- Allen and Jessica Mead and their four children fled Picayune, Miss., as Hurricane Gustav roared in 2008. Left their dog, Bud, behind. Bud survived Gustav. He moved north when the Meads returned to their roots, renting a two-bedroom home at 301 S. 2nd St. in Mapleton. Bud was the only one home the night of April 9, as a tornado blew apart portions of 142 residential and business dwellings in the Monona County town. Bud crouched in the garage. A triangle-shaped cranny formed when a freezer fell against a disabled washing machine. The metal cocoon protected the canine as winds measuring 136 mph blew the neighborhood apart. The garage collapsed, leaving the roof intact, resting inches above the ground."
"This year we had three weather events that matched or exceeded three U.S. weather extremes," Jeff Masters, a meteorologist and founder of The Weather Underground blog, says. The Mississippi flood was higher than any other, the Texas drought was drier than any other, and the tornado season was deadlier than any other. "It boggles my mind. .....Fifty-six percent of the U.S. had a top 10 percent wettest or driest year. That's a record." That divergent pattern is to be expected with climate change -- the wet areas will grow wetter, the dry areas drier." - from an article in The Atlantic below.
2011: 0"
2010: 19"
2009: 12"
2008: 8"
2007: 6"
2006: Trace
2005: 3"
2004: 1"

Brown Christmas For Much Of Europe. The latest from AP: "The International Ski Federation is canceling the World Cup competition planned for New Year's in Munich, Germany because of lack of snow, too warm temperatures and rain. Sounds like pattern much of the U.S. is experiencing as well."
Extreme weather warning
- Navn Cato
- AreaSalten, Ofoten, Lofoten, Vesterålen, Troms og kyststrøkene i Vest-Finnmark
- *Fase B
- Timelørdag 24. desember kl 16:04
Lavt lufttrykk kombinert med springflo gir søndag ettermiddag kraftig forhøyet tidevann. Vannstanden ventes likevel å være ca 20 cm lavere enn under ekstremværet Berit. Lavtrykket befinner seg ved Island og beveger seg i løpet av søndag nordøstover mot Bjørnøya.
* Got that? Translation: warning posted for high winds and heavy snow/ice for portions of northern Norway. I think.

Go Santa Go! Who knew Santa could snowboard like a maniac? Mrs. Claus seems pretty good on her feet too. Who knew? "Santa and Mrs. Claus made some last minute turns at Loveland Ski Area. They'll be riding Loveland Ski Area on Sunday and Monday after their big adventure around the world!" Check out the YouTube video of the Claus family snowboarding. Strange but true...

Thank You Troops And Veterans. Check out this home, seriously decked out - with a very patriotic theme. With a son in the Navy I'm more aware than ever of the men and women who are sacrificing so much to keep our nation strong and free: "Since 1775, over 1.3 million American troops have made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you and please visit SemperFiFund.org to help give back to those who protect our freedom."

Highs One Year Ago Today. Temperatures were seasonably cool across most of the USA - within a few degrees of average.

Christmas Day 2011. Temperatures are 10-20 degrees warmer than last year east of the Rockies - a map that looks more like mid November than late December.

Photo credit: (Genevieve Ross / Associated Press ) - "In this Monday, Dec. 19, 2011 photo, with temperatures above freezing and no snow on the ground, Mike Schneider, of St. Paul, Minn., golfs at Parkview Golf Club in Eagan, Minn."

2011 2006

Interstate 10 is closed in Southwest NM, from Las Cruces to close to the AZ state line (just over 100 miles)
Interstate 25 is closed in southern New Mexico, from Las Cruces to Socorro (about 100 miles)
Interstate 40 is closed in western New Mexico, from Gallup to Grants
Interstate 40 is also closed in eastern New Mexico, from east of Albuquerque to Tucumcari.
* Data courtesy of Earth Networks. I can't remember the last time I heard of I-10 closing due to snow. That's close to the Mexican border!
Photo credit above: "This Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011 photo provided by New Mexico Search And Rescue shows the Higgins family's SUV buried under a snowdrift on U.S. Highway 412 about 30 miles from Clayton, N.M., when a blizzard moved through the area Monday. Rescuers had to dig through 4 feet of ice and snow to free David and Yvonne Higgins and their 5-year-old daughter, Hannah, who were found clinging to each other early Wednesday. The family had plenty of water to drink, plus sandwiches and chips. But as the hours passed, it seems as if they were working harder to breathe inside the buried SUV. (AP Photo/New Mexico Search And Rescue)"

Australians Brace For Cyclone Grant: Expected To Hit Christmas Day. An update from globalpost.com: "Many residents of Darwin, in Australia's Northern Territory (NT), are canceling Christmas dinner, having been advised that a hurricane — called a cyclone Down Under — will make landfall around p.m. on Dec. 25. Those old enough to remember Cyclone Tracy, which 37 years ago to the day devastated the NT capital, Darwin, killing 65 people, are likely taking evasive action. Cyclone Grant was expected to approach the Australian coast on the day after Christmas, also known here as Boxing Day after the English tradition derived from boxing presents for the poor." Cyclone track of Grant courtesy of Australia's Bureau of Meteorology.

1. Historic flood fights in the West
The floods resulted in more acreage under water than ever recorded, lasting from October 2010 to late July and featured the highest water levels and flows in modern history across parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Governments spent $1 billion on flood fighting and victim compensation."

Medical Mirror" Takes Your Pulse By Analyzing Your Face.
Inventor: Ming Zher Poh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate student
What is it? "Did you know you could measure your heart rate through your face? If you did, you're probably a graduate student at MIT. Poh's mirror, using a web cam behind the glass, measures the amount of light your face is reflecting and uses it to calculate your heartbeat."
* photo above courtesy of MIT.

"Oh, for the good old days when people would stop Christmas shopping when they rain out of money." - author unknown."

More Like Halloween Than Christmas Eve. Saturday highs ranged from 28 at Duluth and International Falls to 42 in St. Cloud and the Twin Cities to 48 at Redwood Falls.

Paul's Conservation Minnesota Outlook for the Twin Cities and all of Minnesota:
CHRISTMAS DAY: Plenty of sun, cool start - turning milder by afternoon. Winds: W 10-15. High: near 40
SUNDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Low: 27
MONDAY: Mildest day. Is it really late December? High: 42
TUESDAY: Mix of clouds and sun, turning cooler. Low: 24. High: 33
WEDNESDAY: More clouds than sun, a bit milder. Low: 22. High: 36
THURSDAY: Couple inches of slush possible over southern MN? Low: 23. High: 32
FRIDAY: Clouds, better travel statewide. Low: 20. High: 32
NEW YEAR'S EVE: Potential for accumulating snow. Low: 23. High: 30

The Spirit of Christmas
"Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves" said journalist Eric Sevareid. Today, as Christians around the world celebrate the Ultimate Gift, I'm especially proud of our team at WeatherNation.
This year we adopted a family down on their luck: 3 moves in the last year, no money; a drafty apartment with mattresses and little else. All 31 employees brought in carefully-wrapped gifts; my partner delivered a truckload of presents Thursday. The mom was overcome with emotion, stunned, blinking back tears of joy. It was our own little Christmas Miracle.
OK. The maps are looking a bit more interesting: an inch or two possible Thursday, maybe a few more inches New Year's Eve. I know, I'll believe it when I see it too. But we're due, and it makes sense that New Year's might be slushy/slick.
We may hit 40 F. today; low 40s possible tomorrow before cooling off midweek. No arctic air in sight thru January 10. I know - just plain weird.
For now I'm predicting a 4-8" accumulation of wrapping paper, a blizzard of bows, occasional squeals of delight.
Wishing you and yours a memorable Christmas!

Global Warming Hates A White Christmas. The story from Think Progress: "This winter has been unusually warm, crippling ski resorts, ruining holiday traditions, and dashing hopes of a white Christmas across the northern hemisphere. While the billions of tons of greenhouse pollution in our atmosphere sometimes encourage freak snowstorms, the primary effect of global warming on winter is, well, warmer temperatures — making white Christmases less likely. Temperature increases in some regions were off the charts in November, with northern Norway about 10°F warmer than average. In Finland, snow has been replaced by rain, killing World Cup and European Cup ski races, hurting retail sales, and adding to the gloom people feel from the long winter dark. This “black Christmas” shows the “footprint of global warming“: "Helsinki is experiencing uncharacteristically mild December temperatures, and only light dustings of snow have come and gone. “At the beginning of December it was on average six degrees warmer than is usual for this time of year,” meteorologist Pauli Jokinen told AFP."

How To Discuss Climate Change With Your Uncle During The Holidays. Uncle, father, skeptical brother, inlaws, outlaws - with a neon-brown landscape outside our windows the subject may come up. Here's how to answer pointed questions, courtesy of Mother Nature Network and Think Progress: "Most people know better than to bring up politics, religion or climatology in polite company. It’s a recipe for arguments, or at least for awkwardness. But when families get together for big holiday meals … that recipe is often dusted off anyway. And whether it’s your nephew demonizing the Tea Party, your niece deifying Tim Tebow, or your aunt and uncle arguing about polar bears, no one wants squabbling to overshadow gobbling at a holiday feast. Still, not all taboo topics are the same. Fuzzier issues like politics and religion are often sensitive, since they’re largely matters of opinion and faith. But climate science is a little different, thanks to the “science” part. It’s one thing to bite your tongue while a relative rants about taxes or morality, but what if the conversation turns to coral bleaching or glacier loss? Is it worth risking an argument to set the record straight?"

Well, you can't please all of them. HVAC Loveland.